The following recipes are only guidelines. Snow is not always capable of balling up. With drier snow be prepared to use up to ten times the amount called for.
Coffee for two- approx 24 wet snowballs. Bring balls to a full boil. Pour in 3/4cup coffee. Continue to boil for ten minutes then perform the smack down. Two hard hits, pot on stove. Let the grounds settle for a wee moment and enjoy.
Teeth brushing- Two to three snow balls, melt before attempting to rinse.
Shower- One snowman's head will give you a sufficient amount to get squeaky clean. I recommend saving a few snowballs to cool your water in the event that you've left it heating for too long. I also recommend saving your bath water to wash the clothes you were just wearing. Generally I find my skin to be cleaner than my clothes.
Dishes- One snowman's head oughtta do it. Although in the old days with six kids we used to use the whole snowman, ass and all.
Cooking- Just have three or four pots on the go at all times. Eight to ten snowballs in each. In the course of a day you may find yourself using up to one big belly of a snowman. I like pasta. This will give you hand washing water while you cook. Very handy where there are no taps.
Animals- We have a lab and two cats so not a big deal but they need about two head's worth in a day.

Drinking- One or two heads. Melted of course. Do the melting before you get thirsty.
Toilet flushing- OK I don't have a toilet but I know how they work. And I've done the math...kinda. I figure this is where you'll want to get the kids involved. It won't matter where they find the snow. Unlike your coffee or cooking water. The edge of the road, even the dog run will do. Maybe even preferable. You don't want to keep flushing your drinking water down your toilet. I figure eight to ten snowmen in your bathroom at all times. That will last a family of four maybe two days. So with each new dump get the kids making those snowmen. Your gonna need 'em.
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